Immigration Medical Exam

Dr. Ho Je Lee is a designated civil surgeon authorized by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to perform the immigration medical exam.



U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) require people applying for residency to provide a I-693 report of medical exam conducted by a designated civil surgeon authorized by USCIS.

Dr. Ho Je Lee and his multilingual staff will provide the medical exam to fulfill the requirements to complete the I-693 form with an average turnaround time of 5 business days unless test results require more exams.


Please bring a printed I-693 form which you can download here along with your vaccination record and valid passport.

The medical exam fee is cash only and non-refundable amount of $230 and vaccination is available during your exam at an additional affordable price.

Please make an appointment for the exam and arrive 30 minutes early for check-in.